Monday, March 14, 2011

Women In Harold And Kumar


National Network of Women in Revolution GENTILE
The National Network of Women for gentle revolution stems from the experience of the Network of Women for Puglia Nichi President's movement that has spread from Foggia, then, Lecce and Puglia in the region to claim their right to choose the presidential candidate. We
the national network we have recognized in their decision to oppose the arrogance of the hierarchy of the party, persuaded by the need to use the primaries to choose the candidate of the center.
We opened a thorough analysis on how valuable came from a generous political practice, participatory, careful and critical about herself. A bold policy about important issues: maintaining the commons (water, air, land, labor), facilitate the development of city life (City of interwoven relationships, based on the relationship with its environment and history shared), focus on energy and creativity of women, address the young men and women.
We felt the enthusiasm of a new political language and we have discovered, by women, that this language belongs to us, invests the life lived, the newspaper reports, the strong link with the feelings. Testifies to the respect for otherness and differences.
We reflected on the active and innovative women the Council of the Puglia Region and know what women have been invested. The experience becomes
Puglia feasibility of a dream
From women we have a strong impact with our policy and our feelings, we want to recover actual experiences, good practices of many territories and regions, enhancing the contexts in a mutual contamination.
We met and we decided to work together to ensure that our country can draw upon the experience and authority that comes from knowing women. Our desire is fulfilled in a way of participating in plots and the fact of common experience which we are protagonists.
We can dare to grow around a new vision.
These nodes on which we are confronted
Unfinished democracy in our country that is devoid of factual knowledge and experience of women in public life *, resulting in serious damage to the entire social system, political and economic.
The labor crisis reveals a deep malaise which affects the very system designed exclusively * on labor and economic production rates. Women more than men feel the need and desire to work organization circular, collaborative, compatible with the rhythms of a life fully lived their life in all its aspects (Wellness GDP).
The devastation of mother earth at the hands of political implemented by a ruling class almost entirely devoid of sensitivity and * female experience.
The upsurge of violence against women generated by the commodification of the female body and a * sexist language that supports the idea of \u200b\u200boppression and power as the basis of every relationship. A serious setback
culture which is evident particularly in schools and universities but has an impact on the entire educational * and value. This results in the younger generation of new forms of violence, racism and intolerance aimed at making false allegations of self.
The distribution of patronage practices and corruption that stifles the potential of women in particular focusing * the concept of power that generates power.
Our comparison is a source of ideas for generating change.
We must give thought to a political power and deaf to every innovation and be carriers of legality, justice and secularism.
policy must feed you want, eat with the action, live in relationships, producing well-being.
Our gentle revolution, which reflects the legacy of the women's movement, is a cultural revolution, which wants extensive involve all aspects of politics, economics, social life, we make women protagonists and our ability to focus to think of women.
We women feel an obligation to guide the company toward a different future.
The experience and expertise we have, together with our specific talents are an asset that our society can no longer private if you want to design good measures of the future through appropriate economic policies, monetary and social.
We believe that our presence and our involvement will return everything up to now is not the political culture of the country.
is necessary that Parliament and the Government there is a presence of ministers and elected in proportion to the number which would be visibly Italian female population.
To this end, it is essential to use the primaries to choose of / the candidate / s from all political and administrative level, the central and peripheral.
All this is still not enough. Experience teaches us that to promote lasting change you need to pass laws that riqualifichino the rules of social life. We consider the network of women
priority laws which
the significant and influential women at all levels, in both the public and the private sector; *
a new organization of work that emphasizes quality of life of the times, returning spaces * and energy that can better reconcile the desires and needs of all / liberators / by the rule of necessity.
priority because essential preconditions for a genuine participation in the completion of our democratic process, secular and libertarian our country and of Europe.
This is the deepest and truest sense of what's called the Network of Women

Does Fingernail Polish Work Scabies

THE MAGIC OF SQUARE ...... March 12 in Pisa

one-day chronicle of a small revolution kind ....

are the 17 and the time specified for our flash mob in piazza Garibaldi Pisa, decide to grant academic and fifteen minutes while we take advantage, we in the Women's Network for the revolution kind, to set up a makeshift space at the foot of the statue of Garibaldi, and imposing bold stands in the center of the square.

craft Banners, signs the articles of the Italian Constitution. Among the first to arrive and Mirella Vernizzi former partisan relay, which has onocrato of his presence; get greeted by handshakes, hugs and love, is known and recognized by all this beautiful lady "otherwise young": Beautiful and passionate is reading of his songs that brings us back to the struggles of women to assert their autonomy and equality. Through his efforts we open our meeting, Mirella law surrounded by young girls in the Teatro Verdi in Pisa, with their shrill voices and even her with a safety and a look from some who not only relies on the volume of your voice the strength of his message. In the square, as it was filling up, waving the tricolor, and many of those present asked to read not only the articles of the constitution, but also the famous speech Calamandrei: topical testament to defend the public school.

We are incredulous and happy the national network of People's Radio reserves a direct propprio when there is intervention of Elizabeth's Tuscan group of the network. Time goes fast and the rain gives us the time announced to sing all together and the Inno di Mameli: it is a great thrill, the magic square that gives us real faces of so many men and women, young and old, is desire to make a date every day, to meet, to talk about cross glances and stories is because of this which we all feel the need.

Our Italy is full of beautiful squares is just waiting to be populated with real people and passion, I remember the crazy busted the New cinema paradise that turned repeating: "The Square is mine, the place is mine! Reclaim these spaces away from reality, but close to the heart of us all.

gentle revolution continues ...... Thanks

Denise Milani - Just For You

Go ahead.

March 8 was an important day, the fight and sharing, participatory and very important not only for those who lived it, but also for all of us who have organized, folks. Starting all over this busy day to look ahead.

On 16 March next at 21, the woman's house, in the network via Galli Tassi eight women attending the meeting for the revolution kind of coordination to make a contribution to the project of constituting women's committee Feb. 13.