Thursday, December 28, 2006

Hands Itch Bad Circulation

Berluska! Something of a secular and liberal!

With horror / terror, Dear Silvio, I attended the March on Rome in early December .
The reporter who accompanied me on this journey of fear does not shine for some impartiality I am referring to his faction Michele Santoro with his crew of Year Zero .

declare, however, some separate jurisdiction over part of our national journalism, I'd say they almost mitridatizzata than fraudulent assembly, pilot interviews, Careful selection of the worst of the worst, and all other media meanness.
Having said that, alas, Michele hit the mark.
are made under the
Me ....

It took those ten pounds of connective raped, the presence of lobotomy-Nazi skinheads, and especially solar, unanimous, unpunished, declaration of war on diversity, made me realize that maybe it's still too early to dream of a right program, not demagogic reaction .

short, and I come to the point .....
You must reveal the secret.
How many, Silvio, sti blessed vulgar Italy?
Why so lightly abandon the votes of that part of the Italian productive and creative than ever before can tolerate xenophobic populism and any of the league, but even the denarofobo interventionism of the Left?
What do you know that I do not?
You have to hand some poll that says more is vulgar, arrogant and superficial, the more votes are torn off to the left?
I ask you this, with great sincerity, not a partisan povocazione.
're a different person. You are not vulgar. You seem sensitive and tolerant.

not think too that in the strategic sectors of the Italian economy (ICT, fashion, beauty, culture) are few to recognize this now as hideous ghostly white family, heterosexual, looking, fear, and Po, the promotion and protection at a mo 'steamroller on feelings of "other" seems to be the only serious priority for the pole?

short, people like the writer, disgusted by the inability of the left to relieve a bloated and intrusive state, but worried about falling into a theocratic Po farmer, I believe, Silvio, that cities are full.

I wonder at this point, where am I raving or directors / pollsters pole ....

I confess, not being sure of anything (the old caution for women), a little 'I shake the idea of \u200b\u200bleaving metropolitan contexts more or less advanced to the criminal million pitchforks and crosses, to which the regressed monopolist, the communication message seems to be addressing.
sidereal distances, in short, in my dream / desire to a secular country, modern and efficient .

course, president.
acknowledge that the party is going through a very lively debate, the positions have many and different, that the spirit of the confessional and Beghard, make an example, and Menorello Gardini, to mention two resources italoforzute of my city, contrasts secular and libertarian momentum of the lucky "B" forzitaliote: Blonde, Boniver, Brunetta (but Taradash also, Della Vedova, Del Pennino )....
Silvio short, tell a lie to calm me: tell me your polls, maybe they're wrong ....

Tell me that is a whole economic strategy, that the party is forced by the historical moment to welcome among its ranks every opponent, provided biped (other than passport ideological or moral pedigree ...) . Convince

not to vote in the face of donabbondiosa Prodi as the only possible bulwark of obscurantism captive-Po Calderoli.

We expect many, Silvio, I swear, because the non-appointment with the liberal reforms of the previous term when your head is no longer sad, really can take the form ....

Take some 'healthy and tolerant civil society at home and let priests and fascists, sooner or later they have always betrayed.

Collect vital forces, intelligent and productive in the country: are there waiting and watching television like myself wondering as I did in this letter .

A hug
scared but still confident

Brushes Used By Scott Barnes

musical events to start the new year Camporotondo Etneo

Saturday, January 6, 2007
"Christmas Concert"
Church of Sant'Antonio Abate

Sunday, January 7th, 2007 at 20:00

"Tribute to Mia Martini"
Village hall

Friday, December 22, 2006

Are Tea Bags Unhealthy

Camporotondo Etneo The The events of Christmas 2006

Sunday, December 24, 2006
HOURS 15.30 to 19.30
Parade through the streets the center and the village of Plan table with bagpipers bagpipes and distribution of cards and candy
WEDNESDAY 'December 27, 2006
Tombolone with prizes and entertainment Christmas
village hall

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Invitation Ideas For Lia Sophia

kestrel, a bird of prey characteristic Camporotondo Etneo

The kestrel is a common species in Italy and Sicily and is easily recognizable by its shape and the fact that hunting in open spaces.
also often fly so steady when he observes the ground below in search of prey.
The male has blue-gray head and neck, solid back, wings and tail with dark gray with a black bar. The female does not have the blue-gray head and the back is brown.
L occupied by the species' main habitats are open
environments: from the plains up to the upper limit.

also often fly so steady when he observes the ground below in search of prey.

The male has blue-gray head and neck, solid back, wings and tail with dark gray with a black bar. The female does not have the blue-gray head and the back is brown.

L `habitat occupied by the main forest species are el, to an altitude of 2000 m.`

Its most important prey are small mammals as well as numerous invertebrates (earthworms, grasshoppers, etc.).

The species builds its nest primarily on cliffs, but also on trees or other structures such as houses and bridges.

Depending on the altitude the `egg-laying begins after mid-April EEI children leave the nest in the early days of August

Baby Shower Thank You Sample Wording

The fauna of Camporotondo Etneo: birds

A Camporotondo Etneo fauna is rich and varied. Shortage of large animals, but for the rest of the territory is populated by birds, mammals and reptiles, to speak only of vertebrates.

Many animals have agreed to live alongside humans and are able to exploit all resources in the surrounding area including landfills, yards, houses and sometimes even city streets.

Among birds, often seen, the pigeon (Columba livia) and the Sparrow (Passer Italiae), animals become more opportunistic and other birds are adapted to the strong anthropic camporotondesi campaign. There are also

frinquellidi as:
goldfinch (Carduelis carduelis)
the dark green (Carduelis chloris) by huge pink beak
the serin (Serinus Carduelis)
the linnet (Carduelis cannabina)
the chaffinch (Fringilla Coebus)

All these birds feed on grain, but do not give up any meal of insects.

In spring, the countryside and in the sky Camporotondo you see the swifts (Apus apus), the House Martin (Delichon urbica) and strorni blacks (Sturnus unicolor).

Among the warblers, songbirds, we find: the
warbler (Sylvia melanocephala)
the blackcap (Sylvia atricapilla)
the rare Sardinian Whitethroat (Sylvia conspicillata)
and subalpine warbler (Sylvia Cantillas)

The wheatear (Oenanthe Oenanthe ) and the Black Redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros) nesting along rocky ravines Traglia the walls of the lava flows.

The wren (Troglodytes troglodytes), the Stonechat (Saxicola Torque) or commonly "cacamaruggiu" together with the magpie (Pica pica) and the blackbird (Turdus merula) riusultano booming

There are also many birds of prey, at least some species, such as the lonely owl (Tyto alba), the little owl (Otus SCPS) both clubs, and the kestrel (Falco tinnuncullus), which instead prefers the sunlight.