air inside the cemetery, which is connected to the main axis of the new country by a road at right angles (via the Cemetery) and flanked by an ancient road already access road to the village, there is a church dedicated to Saint Anthony Abbot, whose origins seem to date, according to sources, the first centuries of Christianity, according to others the church belonged to the monastery of San Vito wanted by St. Gregory the Great who was Pope 590 to 1604 and mentions it in his Epistle XLI ad Cyprianum "to its rector in Sicily, while others still make it back to the erection sec. XV. Today
certainly the reading of the monument and the resulting date that is certain is hampered by some missing parts. There are more steps in the lava rocks from the path, skirting the eastern side of the cemetery, leading to the church, there is more space in front of the church and who was destined to penitents; there is no lobby, for the catechumens, there are other dependencies of the building and in their place were built in 1617 and in 1719 the chapel of SS. Sacramento and San Nicola di Bari, later destroyed. The nave was divided longitudinally in two by a strip you of stone as tall as a step. This was the prerogative of the churches of the early centuries of Christianity to divide the seats reserved for men than women, a custom almost abandoned in Sicily after the arrival of the Normans. Many trace the sources and then construct the building at the time the oldest drink cent. XV. It is certain that the changes were many.
The building is rectangular, with a single aisle and a small apse fresco, where is the altar, crowned by beautiful stucco unfortunately much ruined.
certainly the reading of the monument and the resulting date that is certain is hampered by some missing parts. There are more steps in the lava rocks from the path, skirting the eastern side of the cemetery, leading to the church, there is more space in front of the church and who was destined to penitents; there is no lobby, for the catechumens, there are other dependencies of the building and in their place were built in 1617 and in 1719 the chapel of SS. Sacramento and San Nicola di Bari, later destroyed. The nave was divided longitudinally in two by a strip you of stone as tall as a step. This was the prerogative of the churches of the early centuries of Christianity to divide the seats reserved for men than women, a custom almost abandoned in Sicily after the arrival of the Normans. Many trace the sources and then construct the building at the time the oldest drink cent. XV. It is certain that the changes were many.
The building is rectangular, with a single aisle and a small apse fresco, where is the altar, crowned by beautiful stucco unfortunately much ruined.