I'll have to go to the therapist and tell him that perhaps the events of recent months are making me slide into a dangerous state prepsicotico.
What would be the perception (of course) distorted that afflicts me?
Perception (falsely) that the bright dawn of my country is a dangerous authoritarian turn.
course .... They are certainly felt by some events that I describe below, and that made me imbufalire, and yet, with all efforts to rationalize and cooling every person anxious and emotional learning to put in place, I can not avoid parallels between the current Italian situation and that of some Third World countries are discussing "The Casablanca Bar" some time ago (no more than 10/15 years).
Birth in this modest analysis, and good individualistic Italian, describing a bit 'of my cabbages and declaring a significant dependence on the media dealing with news and politics that I probably overexpose and stimulates on the issues of which we speak.
Events are in a nutshell
- a change of ownership of a vehicle that I received from a grandfather who unfortunately died (a utility of ten years and therefore no commercial value) and to be led by me has requested payment PRA to charges of 640 Euros. Telecom
- the first bill of a base line that I have activated in the rented house in Schio (VI) where I live.
On the first point there is little to say, the case of pure, costly fees, not even touched by that measure that would streamline / reduce the transfer of ownership of movable property by forcing against having to pay a notary thief ... .
Nothing has changed .... maybe you can save 50 euros but for various reasons, a step that cost 500,000 pounds six years ago now costs 500 Euro.
For Telecom, the contract has been signed by me after having examined all the possibilities (private managers etc. ..). Since
Schio covered by the 'Last Mile, "a Telecom contract for an analog phone line on which to slide the carrier's DSL chicchesia, is a condition to navigate, and then work in my case ...
surplus is not a capricious ... Even the poor man's polo
grandfather is ....
Well, today came the bill.
439.50 Euro.
I never made a phone call (I used only a trivial DSL base to 2 Mb / sec).
analyzing the bill with deep breaths, I find this appalling figure is achieved thanks to the advances of the bi-monthly fee, and thanks to handicap, that luck or misfortune is not only mine, have chosen not to bank at home in the payment of invoice.
For this choice of freedom, it was punished by Telecom with an advance on Conversation (like many others never will) of 80 Euro + VAT (refundable when you are good, do you stop the beggars without current account and bank domiciled in the bill). At 191 the operator
bell that I talk to is surprised and says I'm lucky because the advance, before they occur not know which circular / rules, was 103 Euro + VAT ....
So you do the quick and suggest a link to listen to the conversation with the operator of the 191: I consider myself happy because the next warn the bills read, read ....
I do not neglect to Boccaccio's prose, but the metaphor copulative arises ..... Okay let
personal events and we come to the media ....
last few months (some months more than usual I mean) I think that public attention is directed, by the media as a whole, towards issues and imbued with an easy grip and a vulgar populism littorio that at other times historians have found many non-aligned media / alignment ready to opt ...
I'm not around ....
Themes / target are:
- Drunk and drugged driving, with jugular stragonfie claiming pillory and cut the hands and flying from every stage, speaker, or talk show available
- the "Security", with sadistic, pedophiles , raped and brutalized of all shapes that populate each day rotation in our TG
- mirabilianti the success of law enforcement, today's latest exciting venture (from SkyTG 24) and has 4 percolosissimi criminals to justice, the seizure of two computers and five hard drives with as many as 100,000 songs inside. The four were about to give a hacker complete discography of the Philippine Peppino Gagliardi ... The Guardia di Finanza have saved from potential poisoning .....
- The obsessive and talkative presence / interference of the Catholic hierarchy to every outdated (given the climate) scorreggina libertarian qulche naive yet you run away ...
- I look forward to at this point, that came out somewhere a First Lady Evita style (yet to be more in line with Argentina in the last few hours) that takes in hand the destiny of the country and in the living and good deeds to devote the remaining part of TG monopolized for three quarters, from the themes above.
to remind me, remind everyone that 15 years ago when we thought so at the third Latin American and Soviet post, we stick to, as indicated, the quality and quantity of media and salaries.
We wondered when we gain a Uruguayan teacher or Bulgarian ..... and before the equivalent of $ 80 that we were quantified as average earnings, we question the cost of telephone bills of a kilo of apples and other services.
Some well-informed we replied, with a taste of surprise that a media phone bill amounted to $ 20 and two dollars you could buy four apples.
We all stared in horror before the incredible lack of proportion and a sense of overwhelming misery that these figures clearly testify.
Then we wondered how it was possible that there was a massive popular reaction to an intolerable state of things so ...
and the usual party, even more excited and proud of his membership in the Western developed world, we replied that people were talking about, were stoned to continue with art by various top ministry official election campaigns, gossip, sports and media uproar surgically calibrated in order to move the focus of the few still in evolution scenarios on easy targets of appeal (usually non-aligned associations, unions of ethnic representation, etc. ..) and create populist reactions / repressive to mystify even better inefficiencies and corruption.
has nothing to do with us anything at all?
Pasolini would think if he saw how the current scenario?
Well .... the phone bill of $ 20 compared to 80 Paraguayan salary above are no different from 439 that I must pay my respect to the average earnings of the country (800/1500).
And even if linked to a different level of the audience, not I feel so different to the repulsive attack the indefensible (Romanian whores, alcoholics, drug addicts, pederasts) that the media doth rosary every day as a sinister horror. A scientific
forging scapegoats to feed the jugular angry, and ill-fed, the vast mass of petty bourgeois ex-back, ahiloro, euro-techno-proletariat ....
Workers without children (for lack of funds), but never without mobile phones and satellite dishes, or risk losing the doping of molasses daily rhetoric cerchiobottismo gooders and crazy like a tsunami that floods every corner reached by bits and pixels.
If this is not a socio-economic environment and cultural pre-totalitarian Tell me what you ....
appalling that public debt will not allow us to have the ability reactive / pay in other European countries .... will be the lobby, the crumbling infrastructure, bureaucracy, trade unions, it is impossible to dismiss, the imposibilità to take the ECB's timid entrepreneurs, the bureaucratic blob that inhibits many potential start-ups, a technophobic all Italian humanism convinces teens to exalt the good old days of the grandmother (who did not experience) and makes them more troglodytes on the front of the new professions, their peers, or Chinese Romanian .... short explanations of a disappointing performance in our country and degenerative dangerously out there, and a dummy to miss too much on because of that building ...
Besides, if Berlusca failed to reform the country with unbelievably maggiornanza that had the House and the Senate, how can we pretend that we face I'm going under every government attack of diarrhea of \u200b\u200ba senator?
Meanwhile, horror horror here is the indifferent who speaks ...., why do not we start a real national debate on whether to place them in a car "B" in European countries where the foreign exchange constraints are less rigid and can be "train a bit 'better' and then return when better structured?
E 'un'emerita been?
When I hear him say Bossi, the first impulse is to dismiss everything as a fighter (because of the irrepressible cultural racism towards the universe Lombard-Venetian dialect that has poisoned my youth ).... if prudently fears Tremonti with the r dull, I begin to not exclude it .... between the lines when he does slip some unexpected, I seriously ponder ....
I have no technical skills to evaluate and I have to entrust the interpretation of others.
Mah ...
In my opinion, before a grandson of Junio \u200b\u200bValerio Borghese is called to direct the repression of angry agency, with the blessing of spiritual and economic life of the Church of Rome (which will receive a two per thousand more for the precious Official support for the brave), perhaps a little thought ....
I go to bed dreaming of the Dictator of the Free State of Bananas ....