Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Centrifugged Oil Milky



The crisis affecting the Government pensioners who fought for the recognition of their rights and to get out of hardship and sacrifice
The early elections interrupted the negotiations between the government and CGIL -CISL-UIL on wages, pensions charges and other claims relating to retirees, for which the comparison was already open.
Such requests will be proposed again with force the next government:
• Defense of the purchasing power of all pensions through the continued efforts to improve began in July last
• Revision of rates fiscal and defense of the lowest incomes
• Elimination of differences between workers and pensioners for income exempt from income tax
• Increase the Fund for the long-term care and prompt adoption of the enabling act
• New ISTAT basket for seniors to adjust the calculation of the cost Life
• Activation of the table of comparison between the government and the pensioners' unions in order to resolve these priorities as established by Ministerial Decree of December to

From emergency EXIT



SPI-CGIL inform

The union retirees of the League of SPI-CGIL Pomigliano d'Arco held a meeting at the headquarters of the course Vitt. Emanuele 57, a gathering of retired and elderly members and non-members-to discuss the next steps to better equip themselves in difficult social, political and economic is located in our City.

Assembly was attended by many pensioners and retirees of the League and also several people who-while not being union members-have asked to offer their contribution of ideas regarding the problems that afflict them. The assembly

was opened by the report of the Secretary of the League, comp. Anthony Tanzi, who underlined the difficult economic situation they find themselves living the retired mainly because of the continuing loss of purchasing power of pensions-to-many older people is sometimes the one and only source of income with which to carry on the entire month. In addition, he also wanted to point out the lack of attention by the Municipality on social policies in our country, despite the efforts of the Federation of Retired and Uilp Fnp-CISL-UIL.

Salvatore Petricciuolo-member of the Provincial Secretary SPI-CGIL Napoli-focused on the most 'general nationally, from the redistribution of money from the famous "treasure"-agreed with Prodi's government-which had to be specially allocated to pensioners and low income workers and that the current government can not figure out where they went to end.

E 'occurred on comp. G. Grimaldi-similarity of the Secretariat of the League, which has pointed out the usefulness of these moments' meeting in this summer period and has stressed the importance of the commitment of all

Pomigliano retirees to increase their participation to resolve the problems of society from the socio-sanitary, garbage fee, the cost of public transport, the summer holidays. Furthermore, it should rethink the work of the center "Borsellino" via Locatelli, the social center of P.za Market and the definition of the center "Pertini". Without neglecting the hypothesis of the University of the Third Age and computer courses for seniors.

Among others, he spoke also on comp. Calabrese, just registered, which has reaffirmed the need for such initiatives and stressed the need always to seek unity with other trade union organizations of retirees and invited those present to greater participation. After several interventions

for questions, suggestions etc.. concluded the meeting the comp. Petricciuolo also explained that the content of the agreements reached between the reform of the CGIL, CISL and UIL and the platform of demands to the government in a comprehensive and detailed issues that we face in the coming months, not excluding a mobilization of workers , pensioners and the elderly to troubleshoot issues more 'relevant. As for the League of Pomigliano, the comp. Petricciuolo, in stressing the strategic role that the PES is to play "territory" and that the League should play more and more 'specific role of the General Union of Pensioners and the elderly, calls on all members to organize a joint demonstration with FNP and UILP Pomigliano to be held in September in order to get those results we all desire. The Secretariat


Monday, September 29, 2008

Swollen Palm Near Wrist


Italian Pensioners' Union

Charterhouse of Padula and CITTA 'DI TEGGIANO
Italian Pensioners' Union of Great enthusiasm of retired SPI-CGIL alloys Pomigliano D'arc, Casalnuovo of Naples and St. Anastasia for the guided tour Sunday, 23/11/2008. The Charterhouse of Padula and charm of our bells, and Teggiano another region of our country rich in monuments. Many retirees had not visited these beautiful realities make, so we hope that this initiative could be repeated with other retired people and our alloys. Next meeting will be communicated through our office.
Thanks to all participants.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Custom Parts For 9400 International Semi

writing competition "The Thread of Memory," organized by the Seniors at the Community Centre Conference Centre "G. Siani" of St. Anastasia.

The following is the rules of the contest.

writing contest "the thread of memory", first. EDITION
Design and organization: Social Centre for Senior Citizens Multipurpose Center at the "G. Siani "of St. Anastasia, Via Arco, 80048 Santa Anastasia (Napoli).

Article 1. - The Centre for the elderly at the Conference Centre "G. Siani "of St. Anastasia (Na), with the sponsorship of the City of St. Anastasia Department of Social Welfare, and with the collaboration of the Literary Club Anastasia and Anastasia Federcasalinghe section in order to encourage and promote literary culture territory, particularly among the elderly, indicating the first edition of a free writing contest called "The thread of memory."

Article 2. - The competition is extended to all Italian citizens aged 55 years at the time of enrollment in particular is open to all residents of the City of St. Anastasia, who have the above requirements.

Article 3. - Participation involves no registration fee. Participants can submit texts to poetry (in Italian and / or in Neapolitan dialect) or narrative. The theme is free, but will be particularly welcome texts concerning the world of the elderly, memory, memories, anecdotes, family events and other interesting stories.

Article 4. - Each participant may submit a maximum of three works (poems and / or stories), in four copies each, including one showing the complete name, address and telephone number, date and place of birth, and signature attesting to the inedicità work and declare that the fruit of his own personal creativity . The works which do not include this statement on the original, will be automatically excluded from the competition.

Article 5. - Each poem must not exceed the length of 40 verses. Each story shall not exceed four typewritten pages. The work should be submitted on standard A4-size paper, typed or written to your computer. We accept handwritten lyrics provided exceptionally easy to read, if otherwise will be excluded. The texts will not be returned: the completion of the competition will be destroyed or may be kept at the Library.

Article 6. - Participants interested can send their works by 15 November 2008 at the following address: Secretariat of the writing competition "The Thread of Memory" at Multipurpose Center "G. Siani, Via Arco, 80048 Santa Anastasia (NA). E 'exceptionally delivery accepted by e-mail address: circolo-lett-anastasiano@hotmail.it .

Section 7. - Will be awarded prizes of representation (plates or cups), graduating with motivations of the jury, and any other prizes provided by local sponsors. Will be awarded to the first three works of poetry and / or narrative, based on a merit established by a competent jury, whose decision shall be final and unappealable. Any reports of merit will be awarded at the discretion of the jury. The names of the Jury will be announced during the awards ceremony to be held at the Multipurpose Center that by the end of this year. All participants, regardless of the outcome, since they are now invited to the awards ceremony.

Article 8. - Winners will be notified only and reported. Any news and information about the competition can be observed http://circololetterarioanastasiano.blogspot.com/ site or calling the number. 081.5301386 081.5301105 or in the evening.

Art.9. - Winners are required to collect the award in person, written authorization is allowed for exceptional cases. No reimbursement for travel expenses, room and board, is due to the winners.

Article 10. - Under Article. 10 of Law 675/96, shall ensure that personal data relating to participants will be used solely for the purposes of the competition.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Patrisi Nabida En Bikini

XIV Extemporaneous painting - CAMPOROTONDO ETNEO

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Hair Nice While Snowboarding

The site of the City of Etna Camporotondo


Saturday, May 3, 2008

Wisconsin Dells Bachelor

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Does Smoking Weed Make Your Adhd Worse

amateur road race car race in Camporotondo Etneo

Friday, January 25, 2008

Pink Shirt And Purple Tie

Biographical notes

Bombardelli Albino was born in Arco (TN) March 16, 1941, and expresses, from childhood, a particular aptitude for painting activity: only 16 years old made his debut at the "Hotel Park City" Arco (TN), widely acclaimed by the public.

The contemporary study of architecture, design, and art history, helping to hone his innate artistic talent.

also devotes part of his free time to play the piano, graduating, and eventually becoming an important and appreciated pianist and musician.

his musical training, as well as its future will be significantly influenced by the masters Luciano Chailly, Carlo Alberto Rossi, frequented by the young artist at that time.

further confirmation of his skills as a painter comes to mark the centenary of the birth of John Segantini, by critic and art historian Raphael de Grada, recognizing in the paintings of the then seventeen Bombardelli requirements that will make painting made him an artist. In 1959 a solo exhibition at the Museum of Riva del Garda, earning additional critical support by Italo Cinti, who urges him, as de Grada, promising to continue his artistic production.

In 1961 sets out again to the "Park City Hotel" by Arch. In 1962 he once again Astoria hotel in Riva del Garda. Followed by a long period of meditation and intensive research, during which reserve ample space to the music.

reappears in 1976 with a successful show to return to his artistic career as a painter and solitary meditation.

exhibitions again in 1990 and 1991 in Arco to Riva gaining favor with the public and critics.

In 1993, returns with a solo show at the Casino in Bow, in 1998 proposed a successful exhibition in Rovereto, entitled "The Many Faces of Music: large paintings that are portraits of fellow musicians and orchestras. In the same city presents a series of watercolors in 1999 and 2007.

also participates in various competitions in many Italian cities, winning prizes and awards including in 2005 the first prize in painting competition City of Limone del Garda, and a special recognition for his career by critics and authorities.

His works are in private and public collections.

lives and paints his works in Riva del Garda.

Albino Bombardelli,

Riva del Garda, tel. 0464.556149