Monday, March 9, 2009

Can Gas Oven Set Off Carbon Monoxide A


March 5, 2009 THE big event of the SPI CGIL in piazza Navona: pensioners took to the streets in Rome to demand the government to listen to the distress of older people in the face of economic crisis. These alloys Spi Cgil Casalnuovo, Acerra, Pomigliano d'Arco, and Anastasia screaming out loud "Pomigliano do not touch" to the auto workers and suppliers, in layoffs for months, earning a big round of applause of retired people attending the event. "We We are excited to see over 20 thousand people, despite the bad weather - affirms our Secretary General Carla Cantone, reminding us that we are not ghosts but a determining force in our country. The Secretary General of the CGIL, Guglielmo Epifani wanted to emphasize the humiliation of social card and bonus family, forcing pensioners to make endless queues at the post office and offices of the CAF. Finally, he encouraged and pledged his support to the representatives of the productive sectors and the civil service to ensure that the demands we are finally presented to the government ascoltate.Nel greet us, the Secretary General Epifani gave us an appointment on 4th April in Rome , the Circus Maximus, for the event National all categories of the CGIL.