Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Diagram Of Prolapsed Uterus

SPI CGIL: A week of volunteering at 'Aquila

a wealth of experience volunteering in the lands of Abruzzo tormented mum last shocking that hit L'Aquila and other nearby towns: this is the enthusiastic declaration issued by our two friends Mimmo Sodano, SPI CGIL Secretary League Acerra and Maria Rea, of the League of Pomigliano d'Arco, at the end of their period of voluntary work a week spent at the The Murata Range of Coppito , province of 'Aquila . The SPI CGIL
could not miss this important event with solidarity to the people affected by the earthquake, and therefore the proposal to increase personal and practical help in those areas, though necessarily limited in time, was greeted with enthusiasm.
left Naples on 22 June, our friends Maria and Mimmo were warmly welcomed by other companions of SPI Emilia Romagna, and immediately made themselves available to give their contribution in assisting the elderly and helping to relieve the discomfort of all: the disruption that unfortunately still persist, despite the veil of optimism and the normal widespread by official bodies. The camp is under the direction of logistics Pro Loco of Coppito , and there are these many organizations, from ' Auser university students. The CGIL is present and active even with the services and CAAF INCA.
In short, our two friends have had a really busy week and lots of human experience and social being in direct contact with those people still so marked by the earthquake, and living with them the myriad issues and problems arising from a situation still precarious and humiliating. But the smiles are not missed, and this is, we think, the most satisfaction and reward for our two friends Maria and Mimmo : feeling put looks and smiles of gratitude from everyone, for offering with passion, enthusiasm and dedication, a week of their lives to help those who suffer.
E 'this is a further example, if ever it were needed, of how CGIL and SPI are always close to the city workers and retirees, and how they have always been sensitive and attentive the problems and inconveniences that dot, unfortunately, daily life, contributing with competence, commitment and enthusiasm to their resolution.