Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Using Astringent After Shaving

Soul is not the 105

Not the 105, are the space ships that take us to other planets, those who gravitate behind us. Not the 105, is the most beautiful part of the cake, and the song without the kiss, the boy's guitar, and carbon dioxide. Not the 105, but even if it should not be afraid that a monster and we will certainly redeem the other monsters, like you, not even the Sarano 105.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Westwood C50d Gas Wall Furnace Pilot Going Out

Hold me The dark tight

residues of a glass of milk with honey, under a waning moon that stenebra two dancers wood, emerge as a `great way of therapy to regain the habit of leaving a farewell note and give kisses on the cheeks.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Metamucil After Kidney Stone Surgery

is dark the lights out in my mind breathe
Gianvincenzo Villani

clock against the nightmare that makes me see the steps as the heart beats that go into the darkness. Around every corner lurk the two words that I can not put together. If there were those who sought a sense of what the left scream, I'd understand lies whispering softly.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Mazurka Choros Villa Lobos Pdf

The shower

Desktop Wallpaper Wedding Countdown

Charles Bukowski

After we like to shower.
(I want the water hotter
from what she wants)
and his face is calm and serene.
Before I wash my soap balls you

raises the balls, squeezes, then wash the `Birds

" Hey, it's still hard! "
then lather the skin, stomach,
back, neck, legs,
I smile, smile, smile,
and then I wash her,
another kiss and she comes first,
dry, sometimes sings,
remain open in the warm water
enjoying the miracle of love Linda
you that you gave me. When I bring him
away, foul
slowly, deftly,

like I'm dying in my sleep and not wake up, amen.
Charles Bukowski

Friday, November 13, 2009

Depilatory Not Working

Teresa is not interested

(Portaportese, Friday 13 November 2009, page 59)
TERESA I miss you call me Luigi ... T 34714

Teresa misses
Louis and writes the paper, draw a arrow

on the road which go back to all the coaches

scores ending in C,
waiting in the gardens of distress
the cruel and random metal
tremor and refuses to
everything that is not interested.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Get Fake Community Service Hours

L `age

Acolla The ant with a grain of sand,

search the place where to deliver her baby.
Blessed are the ignorant who can
horror without realizing,
that can live between the moans and hair
but do not feel pain.
Blessed are those who have no idea
that there was a time when the evil around them
had human form
el, hatred could not stand love.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hyperlite Wakeboard Bindings Small Slip On


I missed your bones I said to myself, How
desiring my death
As if the skin had not been
the support of the joy and the screen
guessed the code numbers and signs in the gestures
we mingled, we put out in
As if the ash covered their
Wiring life
before cutting the rope fastened to the ground

us and made us prisoners.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Can I Give Sudafed To A Cat

The Rage of Pasolini Pier Paolo Pasolini

How To Write A Letter Of Permission To Travel

Fragment death

I come to you and get back to you, feeling
born with light, the heat, when the baptized
cry was joy, Pier Paolo

recognized source a frenzied epic:
I walked in the light of history,
but, again, my being was heroic,
under your domain, intimate thoughts. It
clot in your trail of light in atrocious
your flame, every act of
real world, that
history and it occurred in full, you
lost their lives to get it back: and the life was real
only beautiful ... Pier Paolo Pasolini

· Pasolini killed five intocabili (La Repubblica)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Cause Of Legs And Arm Ache

That give coffee

That coffee
give that sound and silence between the
that cut the strings of the puppets. What
give the coffee, too coffee, and it falls on all

years and a pit of stone,
of skulls and snakes, which has
that tell children that there
furuno barchi

who remained moored in the port

. That give coffee : words used by the English military Queipo de Llano to give the order of `the murdered poet Federico García Lorca.
. Saviano tells murdered poets.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Drug Test First Check Faint Line


pv Saturday, November 28 - at 19.30 - at the premises of the Chamber of Labour of Pomigliano d'Arco - the retired and pensioners of the League of Spi have been meeting to organize a special evening together with his companions, friends and all citizens who wish to join.

It should be noted that the initiative is "self-financed single" in the sense that each participant agrees to prepare a "his best" to be divided among all the participants together with the other productions. "

not miss a bit of music, some nice poetry and, of course .... a glass of wine!

Those wishing to participate and have further questions may call the following telephone numbers:

- 081 8844448
3203789425 - 3299748490
3386307550 - 3395220424

What Can Be Used Instead Of Baking Tray

Who is responsible?

- those who have the ISEE up to 7500 €;

- for families with 4 or more dependent children and ISEE up to 20,000 euro.

Where an application?

- Applications must be received - and from November 2009 until April 2010 - the municipalities of residence or the CAAF agreement.

- Applications submitted in that period will take effect from 1 January 2009.

How much is the bonus?

- The amount of the bonus varies according to the following:

No. of household members;
a) the use of gas (just cooking, hot water, heating etc.).
b) climate zone it is inserted into the City where is located the gas supply.

What documents do I need?

1) ISEE valid,

2) photocopy of the invoice for the supply of gas;

3) photocopy of ID card not expired.

Minor Frostbite On Toe

Denise Milani Desmuda


Thursday, November 5, 2009, pensioners and retirees League Spi-CGIL Pomigliano d'Arco found themselves in at the Via Mazzini-area-weekly street market where they have installed a banquet to collect signatures for the bill "The ongoing education for adults whose first Signatories are the General Secretary of the CGIL, Guglielmo Epifani and fellow professor. De Mauro.
The occasion has been very positive because it enabled us, above all, to talk to many people - retirees, housewives, university students etc. .- with which it is not always possible to launch a more thorough discussion on the real conditions in which the inhabitants of our city.
has also been useful to dialogue with those who do not feel protected enough by the union in general and the political left in particular.
We thus have a way to stress that only the CGIL and SPI have been a bulwark for the defense of the protections and rights for workers, pensioners, senior citizens and also because of the heavy cuts in social spending made by the Berlusconi government to local authorities.
addition, we also discussed the meaning of the initiative of the CGIL for November 14 in Rome to demonstrate against this economic and social policy pursued by the Government.
The collection of signatures will continue, of course, while still in our home for the next day-a From Thursday, November 12 in the area of \u200b\u200bPratola Bridge and then in Spring Square where there will be one of our gazebo. Our
League Pomigliano therefore calls on pensioners, citizens, workers and students to participate in these important initiatives of the CGIL.