Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Slots On A Roulette Wheel Number

Collection parcels for the neediest

Italian Pensioners' Union at Pomigliano d'Arco Cso V.Eman.56
081 8844448 - fax 081 8439658 e-mail

terrible crisis in our country is making yet more dramatic the lives of many citizens of our community.

The proportions of a devastating crisis, in terms of social and economic increases (beyond all expectations) the number of people-especially the elderly, the unemployed, pensioners and so on. etc..) that are lacking the most basic survival needs with little or insufficient protection by the institutions.

For these reasons, pensions and early retirement of the League of Pomigliano d'Arco invite all people of good sense for an act of "true solidarity" - according to the possibilities of each - to those who really need it.

Please note that all that will be collected (food, clothing, blankets etc.. etc..) will be given to the associations responsible for sorting.

Thank you for what you do.

League SPI Pomigliano

Average 5k Time For Women

The League of control and .... . Dinner.

Italian Pensioners' Union
alloy at Pomigliano D'Arco (Napoli) Corso Vittorio Emanuele 53

081 Tel \\ fax 081 8844448 \\ 8439658
e-mail: @ spicgilpomiglia2007 free . it

us Saturday, November 28 companions and fellow of the League of Spi Pomigliano d'Arco (Na) lived a very busy day and exciting. In fact, since the morning, they walked to participate in the big demonstration called by the CGIL di Napoli to claim job development and legality in the South and ended the battered wife Susanna Camusso the National Call mailbox, and then in the evening, we gathered at 19.30 in the hall of the Chamber of Labour Pomigliano which gave rise to a pleasant evening and ... tasty!

meanwhile, had prepared some time this evening entitled deliberately a bit 'out of our usual cliches "Put one evening at dinner with the retired ..." (We apologize the late lamented Giuseppe Patroni Griffi) can also take stock of political / trade union in our area. An evening where the focus is, first, the dramatic situation in which you can find the Fiat G. Vico "with the employment implications for the entire area pomiglianese-Nolan, then they mentioned the reasons for the next Congress of the CGIL and spinnaker.

Finally, we moved at leisure "animated" by the exquisite DOC (Proudly Ciggielline) prepared by Anna companions, Enza, Angela, etc. Peppe. along with appetizers "delicious," companion poems by Giannino Felix (86 years) with the music of "Master" John and the show of the singer-actor Ciro Iannone partner with the singers of "Last Hour" Ciro Ruggiero, G. Grimaldi and Ciro Viglione. Without forgetting the excellent spaghetti with garlic, olive oil and freshly made by the Company of Mary trio, and Lydia Pina with the aide to Ciro Ruggiero ... servings. At the end

AnsMode - Comp Antonio Tanzi - in thanking her friends and comrades for the great success of the initiative, said the upcoming events as well as trade union commitment to repeat these moments from the vague "flavor" of (alas) old, glorious and dear to people's homes.