Sunday, February 28, 2010

Columbia Gay Cruising

polar circles

'd better face each street.
should go swimming or flying towards our pole farther away, without trying. So someday - with luck - we will find ourselves in the center, and, if still essistese on earth a feeling called ingenuity, we might ask again:
how old are you?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Average Cost Yoga Pants

Valentine's dreams with 40 years old Avellino

L `Love is like the moon or increases or decreases
Chinese proverb

Valentine's dreams with Avellino and chocolate kisses that dirty fingertips. Dreams that have heart-shaped bubbles of bottles of sparkling water. Dream on sisters who make the magpie, the neighbors do not give up even if they are not as happy as before, and dreams that we are fighting against the cold stripping her clothes and fears.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Commercial Lease Early Termination Fees

As a second

Faced, domes and birds copulating
like clouds that are in disarray
its survival strategy,
behind stones and squares
with a meaning more or less plauisibile
down the same Canibal
who still Famme
and nemenno today
they forget about us.