to all the revolutionary kind of Tuscany! ! See you in Piazza de 'Giudici at the start of the parade at 14 and at our meeting is in the Republic Square after the event in front of the RCMP. (Mobile phones switched on!)
II Tuscan group of the network, accepting the invitation of the secularity and rights, will attend the event information table set up its own manifesto for the spread of the network and to gather new members to the Women's Network for the gentle revolution.
These themes which will be discussed with the involvement of several speakers: Disability Rights ..
Rights and Bioethics, Faith and Law, Rights and Europe: the European Network of free movement rights, Women and rights, LGBT rights, rights and constitution, the rights of migrants and legality.
Saturday, February 26, at the Stazione Leopolda
(Pisa, Piazza Guerrazzi)
the conference: WHO'S AFRAID OF RIGHTS?
Hours 10:30 to 18:00