Monday, January 31, 2011

Can Anyone Give Digitalcomics For Psp

our battles

Subject: proposed resolution against all forms of advertising offensive to the female gender
The movement called the National Network of Women for the revolution Gentile
Given that
- On September 3, 2008 was approved by the European Parliament Resolution 2038 on the impact of marketing and advertising affect equality between men and women (2008/2038 [INI]);
- the Commission for Women's Rights and equality gender (CEDAW) with Report No A60199/2008 showed that food advertising and consolidate gender stereotypes have a negative impact on equality;
- the same report that you may find that stereotypes about gender differences, proposed by advertising on individuals produce a process of objectification , so both women's bodies, like men, are represented as objects, and yet continue to be those women who suffer from the impacts;
- which is in the same report showed that reducing a human being to an object exposes the individual to violence and insult;
- that the report referred to above It explains how the policies for gender equality must also be designed to prevent people from being constantly at any age, and even unintentionally, the continued exposure to messages oggettificanti and stereotyping;
- which is especially important for media advertising is governed by ethical and / or legally binding rules that prohibit advertising that gender stereotyping and sexism as well as incitement to violence;
- that the complaint and the fight against offensive use of the image of women in advertising has a land of traditional and longstanding commitment of many women's organizations;
- the need to involve all of society to various forms of representation and popular participation, because it is a shared responsibility;
- in the streets, squares and public places where the billboards that offend the dignity of women can not be obscured by a gesture individual but we need an act of collective responsibility;
- you need a concrete commitment to combat offensive because advertising is the most visible violations against the female gender;
- it is appropriate that the government (regional or provincial or municipal) approves a special resolution against all forms of advertising offensive to the female gender;
- to accede to the urgent request of the National Movement for the Revolution Women's Network to support the campaign Gentile "Images Friends" sponsored by the National Coordination Committee hearing, supporting a moratorium on the advertisement infringes the dignity of a genre that sees the sharing of many realities associative.

the President of the Region ...
the President of the Province ...
To the City of ...

Wind Turbine Driven Boat

From an article by Marina Terragni

I see her beautiful Rosy Bindi. It has a pale face, which has softened over the years, enlightened understanding, witty and ironic lightning in your eyes, look right to those lady circumstances. The goods vehicle stops on his appeal did not tell her, but the misery and fear and truck makers. I think our prime minister Rosy Bindi afraid because his freedom is not dependent on men.

The "ugliness" Rosy is not in his case, but in fact do not ask men to show his non-need them, not in any way try to please and ingratiate himself. This weakens a person, especially a man who vice versa based on the seduction of his most human trafficking, both professional and "political" , let's call them. To the point of not being able to withstand its physical decay, and to humiliate himself with beauty from vaudeville tricks . Prime Minister Rosy Bindi not stand-or rather, is attracted, as a maelstrom irresistible - why is a woman who threatens his manhood, which excites her ghosts castration, which titillates his masochistic and passive fund .

I like Rosy Bindi strasbatte and because it also exposes even more of his serene face on TV. because this gives a lesson to all, and it is a political lesson. Why exorcise our fear of being rejected for a wrinkle, un'occhiaia, a kilo more, a breast not soaring. Why adopt a posture masterful. Why do not you leave weaken, and indeed it is empowering, it gives strength. Why not allow anyone to dictate times and fees. Why is untouched humiliation.

That 's what I always tell friends to try the victim and recrimination against those who offend us and humiliate us, starting from our Prime Minister, from his TV and his party: is a problem of sex offender, not ours. The ignominy we see speaks of his mediocrity, his weakness, his illness , not us.

learn by Rosy.

How Do I Know If My Dentalimplants Are Failing

We talked in our meeting in Florence, a subject on which we decided to deal with, thanks to this article by Marina Terragni from his blog.

Make Chocolate Milk Taste Like Store Bought

Toy Boats Make Vinegar And Baking Soda

look twice if not now when?!


If you do not now, when?
In Italy the majority of women work outside or inside the house, create wealth, get a job (and one in two can not do it), study, sacrifices himself to succeed in the profession you have chosen, you take care of loving relationships and family , dealing with children, husbands, aging parents.
Many are engaged in public life, in all parties, unions, businesses, associations and volunteer work in order to make more civilized, more rich and welcoming society in which they live. Account and have self-respect, freedom and the dignity of women obtained with the help of many generations of women - it should be noted in 150th unit of Italy - have built democratic nation.
This rich and varied experience of life is erased from repeated indecent representation of women paraded naked as a sexual object of exchange offered by newspapers, television, advertising. And this is no longer tolerable.
A widespread culture offers to the younger generations to achieve goals by offering easy money and glittering beauty and intelligence to the powers that be, willing to turn to exchange them with resources and public roles.
This mentality and behavior that are polluting the resulting social cohesion and the image which should be reflected in the civic consciousness, ethics and religion of the nation.
So without nearly realizing it, we passed the threshold of decency.
The model of relationship between men and women, shown off by one of the highest offices of State, profoundly affects lifestyles and the national culture, legitimizing conduct prejudicial to the dignity of women, and institutions.
Who wants to remain silent, argue, justify, reduced to private affairs of this state of affairs, assuming the heavy responsibility to do so, even before the international community.
We ask all women, without distinction, to defend the value of them, of our dignity and we say to men: if not now, when? is the time to show friendship towards women.

The appointment is 'on February 13 in every big city' ITALIAN

Acrostic For Republican

second regional meeting of the group blog network

Saturday, February 12 AT 15 IN FLORENCE


This second meeting is convened to switch to an operational phase of the activity. In recent months the national network has reached important milestones in terms of vision and commitment, focusing on issues that we women judge of the utmost importance, continues to collect signatures for the primary and the pages of the site, you can now express their membership. How
Tuscan group would like to organize an event in mid-April, in collaboration with associations and women's movements in perfect autonomy to join a structured program on which we will confront in the coming weeks and especially in the meeting of February 12 FLORENCE ( location to be determined).

Response Card Allergies?

opening Tuscan

To all the Tuscan and Tuscan

During the meetings held in recent months have highlighted the need to create a space that would integrate existing communication with the national network through the website www.rivoluzionegentile @ gmail. com and the forum of the network.

born so this blog in order to make more 'easy and constructive exchange of information not only about the activities and initiatives that we will achieve, but also to enhance the circulation of opinions and views on topics of interest to our network.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

How To Prepare Yam For Sushi

Soledad - Yuko Iwasaki

Soledad - Yuko Iwasaki.

Translated in Italian!
dreamy atmosphere for a good start this 2011! Beautiful, really beautiful.

We knew her already as a painter, now follow it as a writer with the publication of his splendid book online!