Monday, January 31, 2011

Can Anyone Give Digitalcomics For Psp

our battles

Subject: proposed resolution against all forms of advertising offensive to the female gender
The movement called the National Network of Women for the revolution Gentile
Given that
- On September 3, 2008 was approved by the European Parliament Resolution 2038 on the impact of marketing and advertising affect equality between men and women (2008/2038 [INI]);
- the Commission for Women's Rights and equality gender (CEDAW) with Report No A60199/2008 showed that food advertising and consolidate gender stereotypes have a negative impact on equality;
- the same report that you may find that stereotypes about gender differences, proposed by advertising on individuals produce a process of objectification , so both women's bodies, like men, are represented as objects, and yet continue to be those women who suffer from the impacts;
- which is in the same report showed that reducing a human being to an object exposes the individual to violence and insult;
- that the report referred to above It explains how the policies for gender equality must also be designed to prevent people from being constantly at any age, and even unintentionally, the continued exposure to messages oggettificanti and stereotyping;
- which is especially important for media advertising is governed by ethical and / or legally binding rules that prohibit advertising that gender stereotyping and sexism as well as incitement to violence;
- that the complaint and the fight against offensive use of the image of women in advertising has a land of traditional and longstanding commitment of many women's organizations;
- the need to involve all of society to various forms of representation and popular participation, because it is a shared responsibility;
- in the streets, squares and public places where the billboards that offend the dignity of women can not be obscured by a gesture individual but we need an act of collective responsibility;
- you need a concrete commitment to combat offensive because advertising is the most visible violations against the female gender;
- it is appropriate that the government (regional or provincial or municipal) approves a special resolution against all forms of advertising offensive to the female gender;
- to accede to the urgent request of the National Movement for the Revolution Women's Network to support the campaign Gentile "Images Friends" sponsored by the National Coordination Committee hearing, supporting a moratorium on the advertisement infringes the dignity of a genre that sees the sharing of many realities associative.

the President of the Region ...
the President of the Province ...
To the City of ...


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