I see her beautiful Rosy Bindi. It has a pale face, which has softened over the years, enlightened understanding, witty and ironic lightning in your eyes, look right to those lady circumstances. The goods vehicle stops on his appeal did not tell her, but the misery and fear and truck makers. I think our prime minister Rosy Bindi afraid because his freedom is not dependent on men.
The "ugliness" Rosy is not in his case, but in fact do not ask men to show his non-need them, not in any way try to please and ingratiate himself. This weakens a person, especially a man who vice versa based on the seduction of his most human trafficking, both professional and "political" , let's call them. To the point of not being able to withstand its physical decay, and to humiliate himself with beauty from vaudeville tricks . Prime Minister Rosy Bindi not stand-or rather, is attracted, as a maelstrom irresistible - why is a woman who threatens his manhood, which excites her ghosts castration, which titillates his masochistic and passive fund .
I like Rosy Bindi strasbatte and because it also exposes even more of his serene face on TV. because this gives a lesson to all, and it is a political lesson. Why exorcise our fear of being rejected for a wrinkle, un'occhiaia, a kilo more, a breast not soaring. Why adopt a posture masterful. Why do not you leave weaken, and indeed it is empowering, it gives strength. Why not allow anyone to dictate times and fees. Why is untouched humiliation.
That 's what I always tell friends to try the victim and recrimination against those who offend us and humiliate us, starting from our Prime Minister, from his TV and his party: is a problem of sex offender, not ours. The ignominy we see speaks of his mediocrity, his weakness, his illness , not us.
learn by Rosy.
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